Home > Artworks > juan carlos barretto bentancor

Photo of juan carlos barretto bentancor Uruguay

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Training: Advertising Graphics in the School of Arts and Crafts Pedro Figari. Graphic Design (ORT-Montevideo). Course Management and Cultural Spaces Design - CCE and MEC Postgraduate in Cultural Management, Heritage and Tourism of the Fundación Ortega y Gasset in Argentina. Plastic formation: Drawing and Painting Workshops Museum of San Jose. Drawing Study with Prof. Michel Prince. Screenprint with Prof. Oscar Ferrando....

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Training: Advertising Graphics in the School of Arts and Crafts Pedro Figari. Graphic Design (ORT-Montevideo). Course Management and Cultural Spaces Design - CCE and MEC Postgraduate in Cultural Management, Heritage and Tourism of the Fundación Ortega y Gasset in Argentina. Plastic formation: Drawing and Painting Workshops Museum of San Jose. Drawing Study with Prof. Michel Prince. Screenprint with Prof. Oscar Ferrando. University Extension Program - Course Workshop on "Art and Power", sponsored by National School of Fine Arts. Prof. Javier Alonso and "pictorial tradition in Uruguay in front of the XXI Century" by Prof. Daniel Lester. Workshop with Master Course Iturria. Sculpture Workshop Artist Riguetti Heber. Contacts for the sculptor Hugo Nantes. 1987 Sample Arts Hall of Paysandu. 1988 Arts Hall of Soriano. 1989 Hall of Plastic Arts of the Lions Club of Uruguay (Montevideo). . 1992 Participates in the XXII Salon of Artists of the Interior "8O B. Macció Anniversary Theatre." APPLIED ECO-1993 93. (Cologne) 1994 V Biennial Spring-Break. 1995 Casa de la Cultura de Maldonado. Participates with the sculptor Sergio Ferrua in the construction of the Chapel Hill Vitreaux Campanero "(Minas - Uruguay) 1998 Exhibition" Black and White "with Bruno Sfeir. 2001 Participates in the Traveling," Paco Plastics Espínola seen. " 2003 Exhibition "Traces, Rhythms and Strokes" with Mercedes Fuentes - Room Auditorium SODRE (Montevideo) and Museum of San Jose. Integrate with works of Uruguay Foundation for the Arts (Washington - USA) Travelling Exhibition "The Nationalism in Pictures II ", organized by the Inst.l Oribe. 2005 - He exhibited in Buenos Aires. - "Paradigms play of opposites ..." 2006 - Show - "Paradigms play of opposites ..." - Sala Vaz Ferreira - Montevideo.

2008 Individual Exhibition "CITIES FOUND" - Museo del Carnaval (Montevideo)
* Individual sample 70 years Rotary Club San José - Sala Manuel Larrea Club San Jose - San Jose, Uruguay.
* He was invited to design and perform work Mural in San Gregorio de Polanco - Work "BUG'S" / / Tacuarembó - Uruguay.

Awards and commendations:

>> 1987 - Get an honorable mention at the Salon National Theatre 75 years Macció Bartholomew. " Municipal Prize of Thirty-Three. (Technical Drawing)

>> 1993 Gets First Prize "Drawing" in room XXIII Plastic Artists of the Interior Museum Dptal Award. San Jose. (Drawing).

>> 2001 Gets Prize at the XXVI Artists Hall of the Interior. Award Municipality of San Jose. (Mixed).

>> 2009 - First Prize "Grand Medal of Honor Foundation Rubial Lolita" GOLD - II Contest Uruguayan EX LIBRIS

>> Participation in the Uruguayan Carnival since 1984: Costume and Makeup Design: Murgas The Rebels Maragatos, La Salsa, Company Comedians, Comedians Deaf, etc). Poster Design Competition scenarios and Maragato Carnival. Comedians costume Intervention Group Company 2008.

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